Recessive Inheritance
When a trait is recessive, an individual must have two copies of a recessive allele to express the trait. Recessive alleles are denoted by a lowercase letter (a versus A).
When a trait is recessive, an individual must have two copies of a recessive allele to express the trait. Recessive alleles are denoted by a lowercase letter (a versus A).
Only individuals with an (aa) genotype will express a recessive trait; therefore, offspring must receive one recessive allele from each parent to exhibit a recessive trait.
The sex of an organism does not matter in recessive Inheritance. Both males and females are equally likely to express a recessively Inherited trait.
There wasn't much that I didn't already know about this topic. This knowledge is used by scientist to determine what offsprings will come out as.
"Recessive Inheritance." Genetics Generation. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2017.
picture - Beginner Guide to Genes, Mutations and Hybrids. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2017.
picture - Recessive Inheritance." Genetics Generation. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2017.
You provided pretty solid information, however, I feel like you should've gone more in-depth and talked about how sex-linked traits occur on recessive genes. It was good though!