Friday, May 19, 2017

DNA function and structure

DNA Function & Structure
  • It is Genetic material that carries information for making up proteins.
  • Made of Nucleotides
  • Nucleotides have a phosphate group,sugar, and a nitrogen base
  • The sugar in DNA is called Deoxyribose
  • Sugars contain 5 carbons and is called a pentose sugar.

The Four Nitrogen Bases!

There are only 4 possible DNA nucleotides!

The structure of DNA is a Double Helix
-A double helix is two strands of nucleotides spiraling around each other (ex: twisted ladder)
-The structure of DNA was discovered by Watson and Crick
-Strands are held together as bases by Hydrogen Bonds
-Base sequence codes for proteins made by the body; base sequences contain genetic information.

  • This topic was the most interesting for me because I really do enjoy learning about genetics and I feel as if learning about DNA is the first thing to know when talking about a persons make-up. Growing up my cousin lost his legs and I feel as if we can use DNA to understand proteins and use this information to advance our research in the Human Genome Project. I would like to be the one to possibly give him new legs. I always knew DNA helped make someone who they were but I never new it had so much responsibility to other forms of NA (RNA,MRNA,TRNA)


  1. Your blog post is put together very well! It is so informative! I think DNA is very interesting also! That is so awesome how you want to help your cousin get new legs!! The only thing you could add is a review.

  2. I really like that you bolded things that are really important to know. I am happy that you enjoyed this topic so much and that it is easy for you because it is good to have a favorite topic in each subjects. You could add replication and what it does to the DNA structure.



Nucleus: The nucleus is the control center of the cell that controls all the other organelles. It holds all the DNA inside of it and even th...