Thursday, May 25, 2017

Plant Cell vs Animal Cell

Plant Cell vs Animal Cell

Animal Cell and Plant Cell Organelles

- Plasma Membrane = keeps the cellular material inside the cell and controls the movement of materials in and out of the cell, forms the boundary of the animal cell

- Cytoplasm = provides the living conditions for the cell and is mainly composed of water

- Nucleus = is the control and command center of the cell, gives directions for all cellular activities and heredity

- Nucleolus = organelle in the nucleus that makes ribosomes for the cell

- Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough and Smooth) = transports materials by connecting plasma membrane to nuclear membrane

- Ribosomes = responsible for protein synthesis

- Vacuole = stores water and salts for the cell

- Mitochondria = where chemical reactions for cellular respiration occurs to create energy

- Golgi Bodies = carries out cell storage and secretions

Only organelles for Animal Cell

- Lysosomes = contains enzymes for digestion and removal of old cell material

- Centrioles = aid in cell reproduction

Only organelles for Plant Cell

- Cell Wall = gives the cell a rigid box like shape and is made up of mainly cellulose, also gives an extra layer of protection for cell

- Chloroplasts = carry out photosynthesis to make food for cell, has chlorophyll that traps sun's energy


Helpful Videos Comparing the Cells



Comparing plants and animal cells was something that I already knew quite well about but I did learn a couple new details, while I was creating this blog. For example, I learned that lysosomes contain enzymes that help them digest and remove old cell parts. I also was able to review that plant cells do not have lysosomes and centrioles, a detail that I had forgotten before. I really like this objective, because understanding the different between plant and animal cells helps us comprehend the differences between humans and plants. In this way we are able to understand why animals and plants have interrelated processes that function in different ways of importance for plants and animals. 

For example, this concept is illustrated in the relations between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. The reactants of photosynthesis are the products of cellular respiration and vice versa. Yet, plants perform their process for food and we perform respiration for energy. As I was doing this blog, I was surprised that animals have an organelle called a centrosome that actually contains the centrioles that aid in reproduction. I did not know about these containers before. The objective of plants vs animal cells can be applied outside of biology when you are perhaps doing community service by planting more flowers in your neighborhood. You can realize the importance of planting flowers by noticing how they can take in the carbon dioxide you release from respiration, which in turn reduces carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and global warming. Overall, I enjoyed doing this objective!


"Molecular Expressions Cell Biology: Plant Cell Structure". N.p., 2017. Web. 26 May 2017.
- "Plant Cell Parts And Their Functions". ThoughtCo. N.p., 2017. Web. 26 May 2017.
- "Plant Cells". N.p., 2017. Web. 26 May 2017.
-  "The Plant Cell". N.p., 2017. Web. 26 May 2017.

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Nucleus: The nucleus is the control center of the cell that controls all the other organelles. It holds all the DNA inside of it and even th...