Friday, May 19, 2017

Alcoholic Fermentation

Dictionary Definition: 

It is a biological process which converts sugars such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose into cellular energy, producing ethanol and carbon dioxide as a side-effect.

It was originally discovered by ancient civilizations on accident and became popular in them. Alcoholic Fermentation is converting sugars into carbon dioxide gas and ethyl Alcohol.This process is carried out by yeast cells using a range of enzymes. It occurs in yeast and bacteria, and also in oxygen-starved muscle cells, as in the case of lactic acid fermentation. This form of fermentation produces alcohol which is put in many things like hand sanitizer and drinks like rum.


One thing I learned is Oxygen-starved muscle cells can produce lactic acid fermentation. This form of fermentation is very popular for making things like drinks and has a very large business.


  1. I like how you gave examples of alcoholic fermentation like rum and hand sanitizer. In your reflection, it was smart how you applied your subject to the real world. One thing I think you could have added was how alcoholic fermentation is anaerobic and therefore occurs in the absence of oxygen.

  2. I like how you talked about the back story of how alcoholic fermentation is found. The visuals provided also help and relate to the topic well. I think you should've talked about how fermentation is anaerobic though since we talked about it being an example of aerobic respiration in class.

    1. *In your reflection you basically summarized the topic and talked about how fermentation is used in the real world.

  3. I like that you related it to the human body as its something we can physically feel and makes it feel more important. In you reflection you said there were drinks made with lactic acid, do you think it is beneficial for athletes? I also liked that you included so many fermentation-based products.



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