Friday, May 19, 2017

Protein Synthesis

Protein Synthesis!

There are many steps when it comes to protein synthesis. Before we get into those lets make sure you know what is involved.

Ribosomes: These organelles create the Protein
DNA: The DNA makes the plans that the ribosomes must follow when they make proteins.
mRNA: Also known as messenger RNA, it takes the information from the DNA and gets it to the ribosomes.
tRNA: Also known as the transport RNA, It links the amino acid chain and the mRNA. It will then take the amino acid chain and bring it to the ribosomes for protein creation. 

The Steps!
1.) The DNA must transcribe its self into mRNA (Note: Thymine cannot leave the nucleus so in order for mRNA to leave it must replace all thymine with uracil.) (TRANSCRIPTION)

2.) mRNA then makes its journey through the cytoplasm then the ribosomes
3.) mRNA then translates its self to tRNA. (TRANSLATION)
4.) tRNA then hands over the what is now an amino acid chain to the ribosomes which finish up the job and makes proteins.!
Heres a photo to help visualize!

As well as a video, which goes into even further depths of the process!

I really enjoyed going back over the entire process of protein synthesis. It helped me remember many things that I have forgotten over the past couple of months or so. protein synthesis was fairly difficult for me to grasp in the beginning but going back over it has really helped. This information can he important in life because it helps us understand why certain mutations can affect our physical appearance. It also is a key factor when trying to understand what cancer is and how it affects our bodies' protein synthesis cycle.

 "DNA And Protein Synthesis | S-Cool, The Revision Website". N.p., 2017. Web. 22 May 2017.


  1. You explained this topic very well. Protein synthesis can be difficult for some people to understand, so you explained it in a nice, simple manner.

  2. I liked the way to labeled the steps and included background information before explaining your topic. Remembering protein synthesis wasn't the easiest thing for me either, so your blog was a good refresher for me. One thing I think you could have added was how the RNA is split into codons before becoming amino acids.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You provided pretty solid information, however, I feel like you should have given a little bit more information. I love how you also put your citations at the very end so that it doesn't get mixed up with the information you have. It was very good!

  5. I liked the way that you made the definition very short and to the point. But I think that your could have fixed the blog by better explaining what mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA are used for. I also fell that you need a animation that show what happens and how each of the process of RNA are used. I feel that the reflection was good but could have used what parts were still surprising to you.

  6. I loved the visuals and the straight to the point kind of approach. But I think you should go more in depth with what actually happens during photosynthesis. Remembering and understanding proteins synthesis was hard for me as well. Going over this gave me a good refresher.



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